Curated Internet Finds

Whether it’s for work or my ever-evolving hobbies, I somehow manage to stumble upon the most amazing tidbits on the web every day. From cool new software and tech articles to online services, dark-web oddities, and collections of the dankest memes you didn’t know you needed. I would like to share some of my curated internet finds with you here.

So, dive in and enjoy. Just don’t blame me if you click on the wrong link.

Seriously: Here be dragons! I am not responsible for ANYTHING linked on this page. Some links include NSFW content, illegal activities, and other questionable shit. I promise no beheading videos…

I’ll be updating this list regularly.

Happy browsing!

Tech News

  • HackerNews
    If you don’t know this site by now, get out of my face 🤦‍♂️. On a serious note, this site has become part of my “morning routine”. Consistently good links, not just IT-related.

eMail Providers

OSINT (open-source intelligence)

  • Awesome OSINT
    This is a curated list of tools for OSINT investigations. It’s a great place to find new tools of the trade (gets updated regularly).



  • Timelock
    Encrypt messages for a given amount of time.

For Little Techies

  • Chrome Music Lab
    Chrome Music Lab is a website that makes learning music more accessible through fun, hands-on experiments.

Invaluable Tools

  • Ninite
    “Install and Update All Your Programs at Once”. A must-have for Windows deployments!

Miscellaneous (other stuff)

  • Library Genisis
    Library website for scholarly journal articles, academic and general-interest books, images, comics, audiobooks, and magazines. Great to stock up your calibre library!
    I would be remiss if I didn’t add this tool to the list. It taught me what teachers failed at doing for years; I have literally spent hundreds of hours here – free service with a paid option.